What Can You Do With a Paleta? / ¿Qué puedes hacer con una paleta?

#amazonaffiliate #paleta #sabor #bilingualpicturebook #forallages

Confession- I didn't know what a paleta was before picking up this book. Pelota? Lollipop? (the same word paleta is used for translation in The Hungry Caterpillar). A popsicle? This picture book follows a young girl through her local barrio and all the creative ideas she comes up with regarding what to do with a favorite summer treat. Definitely a sweet book- the review on the back cover states, "this charming title will make summer storytimes sizzle and leave the mouths of young readers watering for more". A bilingual text probably good for any child who is old enough to enjoy dessert  (if anything, you can probably abbreviate parts for pre-readers with short attention spans).

