El Flamboyan Amarillo

#PuertoRico #poetry #elementarypicturebook #lovebetweenmotherandson #parentchildlove #unendinglove

Georgina Lázaro-Leon is a Puerto Rican poet who has published numerous books and poems focused on children. Many of her poems have also been recorded on CD by singer Tony Croatto. One of her most famous works is "El Flamboyan Amarillo" which details the bond between a mother and her son and the time spent outside observing nature. The text is written in Spanish and probably best for at least elementary school level. Check out the following link to read an interview with Ms. Lázaro -Leon about El Flamboyan Amarillo: https://www.elnuevodia.com/entretenimiento/cultura/nota/20anosdeelflamboyanamarillo-2196696/
As taken from Wikipedia, Ms. Lázaro -Leon "has also written poems that introduce children to Federico García LorcaPablo NerudaMiguel CervantesDon Quijote de la Mancha and other mainstays of Hispanic culture, as well as "Ya llegan los Reyes Magos!", published by Lectorum in 2001, geared to promote Puerto Rico's tradition and culture.".. "Her poem "Nuestro Capitolio", about Puerto Rico's Capitol building, was published in 2006 by the Legislative Assembly and, with over 45,000 copies in print for free distribution, is probably her most-printed poem."
